

Baotou North Benz accessories North tractor tractor delivered to Yinchuan users

In January the Yinchuan chill is strong, but could not restrain the user enthusiasm on the North Pennines heavy truck.
In order to improve the beiben brand image, let the user be able to zero distance contact Baotou North Benz beiben heavy truck accessories NG80B series tractor, January 15, 2017 by beiben dealers in Ningxia Wanrong auto sales Services Limited success of the North Pennines heavy truck tractor NG80 delivered to the user.
Yinchuan as a transport logistics more developed cities, the delivery of the vehicle is the more popular models – 2538SY tractor. This series of tractors were using the NG80 platform, using the technology of military quality of the chassis frame, equipped with accessories for the Baotou North Benz beiben Weichai series diesel engine, beiben axle design unique, produce fuel-efficient, comfortable, reliable, efficient, safe and other advantages of a set of the North Pennines heavy truck, conquered countless users this, it is to meet the huge market in pursuit of high quality heavy truck, provides the best brand choice for users.
With firecrackers, Ningxia Wanrong will be responsible for 2538SY traction car keys delivered to the hands of users. The new car delivery ceremony to bring customers to the North Pennines heavy truck, new experience and value, but also to communicate with customer interaction depth, users have a better understanding of the heavy truck ran north, the closer the relationship between enterprises and customers, to enhance the Baotou Benz accessories North Pennines heavy truck of this brand of deeper recognition. In order to further expand the beiben brand influence in the Ningxia area, as well as the regional market leading to lay a solid foundation, beiben heavy truck will lead the regional market, to create a new future.